poniedziałek, 31 października 2022

100 bohaterów do Cairn

Mam dość podobnych do siebie postaci w D&D, zrobionych według szablonu rasa + klasa. Zmodyfikowałem więc program do generowania postaci w Cairn i wyprodukowałem 100 bohaterów, w które będą mogli wcielić się gracze, które nie wpasowują się w ten wzorzec. Zrobiłem to według szablonu:
  1. imię, przymiotnik + dawna profesja. Coś co zmieniło jego życie i pchnęło na ścieżkę poszukiwacza przygód. Obecny cel.
  2. statystyki (losowe hp 1-6, przydzielone losowo do atrybutów 12, 10 i 8)
  3. ekwipunek (z Cairn + szansa wylosowania trinkets z D&D 5e)
(Nowe wyniki dodałem po angielsku, żeby zachować spójność i nie tłumaczyć istniejących już w programie).

Zamierzenie jest takie: gracze losują postacie z listy i doprecyzowują czym było wydarzenie zmieniające negatywnie życie i co chcą teraz osiągnąć. Niech to zdarzenie będzie spowodowane dla wszystkich postaci przez tę samą osobę/frakcję - mają teraz wspólnego wroga. I niech MG wymyśli takiego pierwszego questa, że zrealizowanie go pozwoli wszystkim postaciom zbliżyć się do osiągnięcia ich prywatnego celu - to powód do zawiązania drużyny.

Wylosowane postacie wyszły absurdalnie. Jeśliby zacząć z nimi grać z marszu, nadają się do sesji jajcarskich. Z drugiej strony, czy postacie graczy do dnd nie są z reguły głupie i absurdalne? Kwestia podejścia.

Co z tym zrobić?
  • po wylosowaniu którejś z tych postaci przez gracza można zmodyfikować ją, zracjonalizować i sprawić, by była mniej głupia
  • samemu zmodyfikować część wyników, by były bardziej nadające się do poważnej gry
  • wybrać kilkadzisiąt, które nie są głupie i stworzyć z nich nową tabelkę
  • wywalić z plików w programie niektóre wyniki, które są głupie, ale śmiałem się, jak je dodawałem (np. pissprophet)

1. Orvald, merciful pissprophet. Got poisoned. Now wants to find a ring of invisibility.
HP: 6, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), glue (stacks), sponge, repellent, a noose that feels heavier than it should

2. Gother, cowardly fetch-it boy. Got enslaved. Now wants to know weird denizens of the earth.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), sword (d8), hammer, instrument, air bladder, fire oil

3. Madaih, vengeful herdsman. Got disregarded. Now wants to ressurect lost loved ones.
HP: 4, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), sword (d8), bucket (stacks), dice set (stacks), pulley, spellbook containing the spell 'animate object'

4. Konstantin, suspicious fisherman-slave. Got poor. Now wants to mutate herself/himslef.
HP: 3, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), hammer, lens, grappling hook, tasseled wine charm shaped like a sprite

5. Reinertson, nervous torturer. Got betrayed. Now wants to track down biological relative.
HP: 4, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), sword (d8), shovel, soap (stacks), air bladder, a scintillating disk of unknown material

6. Ohl, courageous baker. Got drugged. Now wants to destroy the world.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), longbow (d8, bulky), bellows, fake jewels (stacks), pick, card deck (stacks)

7. Zeidman, flippant engraver. Got abandoned. Now wants luxury weapons.
HP: 3, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
plate (3, bulky), mace (d8), drill (manual), salt pack (stacks), wolfsbane, tool_trinket_gear

8. Obola, serene forester. Got replaced. Now wants to collect rare plants.
HP: 3, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), cook pots, face paint, manacles, manacles

9. Emelina, irascible student-locksmith. Got deformed. Now wants salvation.
HP: 3, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), cook pots, soap (stacks), air bladder, a rod that causes you to forget the last five minutes when you press a button near its tip

10. Amersham, righteous heretic-armorer. Got betrayed. Now wants to have cool axe.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), staff (d6), crowbar, small bell, fire oil, a glass cup that can only be filled half way no matter how much liquid is poured into it.

11. Hauger, arrogant carpenter. Got poor. Now wants to have a tower.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), axe (d8), caltrops, whistle, repellent, an ornate scabbard that fits no blade you have found so far

12. Jenkins, arrogant grain merchant drug-addict-militiaman. Got deformed. Now wants to make magic usefull to society.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), crossbow (d8, bulky), bellows, soap (stacks), antitoxin, bellows

13. Standford, idealistic bearleader. Got hired. Now wants to see abyss.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), crowbar, dice set (stacks), manacles, a ring of keys for forgotten locks

14. Jandel, cautious idiot. Got infected. Now wants to be more honest.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), dagger (d6), hammer, fake jewels (stacks), large sack, lens

15. Benit, focused fisherman-half-demon. Got pursued. Now wants to collect tongues of demons.
HP: 5, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), staff (d6), bucket (stacks), marbles (stacks), spirit ward, cook pots

16. Abbot, righteous performer. Got sick. Now wants to find own mother.
HP: 6, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), sword (d8), hammer, dice set (stacks), chain (10ft), bucket (stacks)

17. Derby, serene rustler-air wizard. Got mentally ill. Now wants to hunt.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), glue (stacks), face paint, large sack, a damaged scrimshaw cameo depicting a merfolk

18. Chisholm, courteous shoemaker-dhampir. Got discredited. Now wants to organize fakir shows.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), bellows, fake jewels (stacks), tinderbox, an expedition log with missing pages and a pressed flower used as a bookmark

19. Breshtel, idealistic exorcist. Got kidnapped. Now wants to hunt.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), a helmet (1), staff (d6), tongs, lens, spyglass, spellbook containing the spell 'fog cloud'

20. Appolonia, irascible gravedigger. Got defrauded. Now wants to serve someone.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), hammer, lens, pole (10ft), soap (stacks)

21. Perhe, vain cultist. Got deformed. Now wants to get elected to public office.
HP: 2, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), caltrops, incense (stacks), fire oil, saw

22. Barrie, stoic troll shoemaker-necromancer. Got disregarded. Now wants to kill own child.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), battleaxe (d10, bulky), nails (stacks), mirror, tinderbox, a wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its body

23. Fife, wasteful herdsman. Got hired. Now wants to be a god.
HP: 6, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), bucket (stacks), small bell, lockpicks, spellbook containing the spell 'adhere'

24. Livy, flippant demon slayer. Got accused. Now wants to kick an addiction.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), dagger (d6), grease, sponge, fire oil, a black executioner’s hood

25. Hegyera, serene slave hunter-stripper. Got demoted. Now wants to suck tits.
HP: 6, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), dagger (d6), hammer, bottle, chain (10ft), tongs

26. Katlin, ambitious mystic-alchemist's apprentice. Got blackmailed. Now wants to create a dungeon.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), mace (d8), drill (manual), mirror, rope (25ft), spellbook containing the spell 'beast form'

27. Os, rude conspirator-baker. Got mentally ill. Now wants to create beautiful things.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), shovel, sponge, pulley, spellbook containing the spell 'raise spirit'

28. Schertz, greedy musician. Got mutilated. Now wants to have a beautiful garden.
HP: 3, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), crossbow (d8, bulky), bellows, quill & ink, large sack, tinderbox

29. Langille, arrogant paladin-psychopath. Got possessed. Now wants to be possessed.
HP: 4, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), long sword (d10, bulky), drill (manual), bottle, grappling hook, a glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating in pickling fluid

30. Jenkel, reckless fetch-it boy-pit figher. Got polimorphed. Now wants to have a castle.
HP: 6, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), cudgel (d6), nails (stacks), horn, large trap, a soot-stained sock in which a nugget of coal magically appears each day at dawn

31. Ortiz, lazy cannibal extremely ugly child-bounty hunter. Got poor. Now wants to create his own army.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), a shield (1), war hammer (d10, bulky), hammer, twine (stacks), repellent, spellbook containing the spell 'comprehend'

32. Tam, just beggar. Got kidnapped. Now wants maintaining the hierarchy.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), longbow (d8, bulky), glue (stacks), sponge, pulley, porcelain doll's head that always seems to be looking at you

33. Dibbrun, generous gardener. Got disillusioned. Now wants to paint a painting.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), dagger (d6), caltrops, incense (stacks), large sack, toy unicorn made of wood, painted with bright colors

34. Scrivens, cowardly poet. Got tortured. Now wants to have a magic weapon.
HP: 6, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), a helmet (1), mace (d8), shovel, marbles (stacks), pick, a tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it's not being observed

35. Eleni, righteous disciple-cultist. Got suspected. Now wants to make his enemies cry.
HP: 2, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
plate (3, bulky), a shield (1), battleaxe (d10, bulky), tongs, quill & ink, air bladder, spellbook containing the spell 'ooze form'

36. Levona, honest goblin prophet-jester. Got discredited. Now wants to destroy the world.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), war hammer (d10, bulky), caltrops, salt pack (stacks), spirit ward, spyglass

37. Heins, greedy grave robber. Got pursued. Now wants to find a particular object.
HP: 3, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), mace (d8), grease, horn, antitoxin, a small book titled feersome beests of zendrik

38. Nedda, righteous furrier. Got defrauded. Now wants to be a member of secret society.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), crossbow (d8, bulky), caltrops, incense (stacks), cart (+4 slots, bulky), a mechanical metal puppy that playfully follows you around when activated

39. Luise, arrogant locksmith-illusionist. Got kidnapped. Now wants to be more focused.
HP: 4, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), mace (d8), glue (stacks), dice set (stacks), pulley, spellbook containing the spell 'hear whispers'

40. Orazio, idealistic soldier. Got imprisoned. Now wants to fix up an old house.
HP: 4, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), net (stacks), salt pack (stacks), rope (25ft), sealant

41. Bethena, aggressive bodyguard-jeweler. Got kidnapped. Now wants to organize reasarch expeditions.
HP: 3, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), dagger (d6), chalk, incense (stacks), lockpicks, grease

42. Merl, nervous entertainer. Got born into slavery. Now wants to organize fakir shows.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), hourglass, quill & ink, cart (+4 slots, bulky), a stamp collection

43. Vanderhoek, prejudiced paladin. Got enslaved. Now wants be the lord of the darkness.
HP: 3, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), drill (manual), quill & ink, pulley, chisel

44. Ileana, tolerant cartographer. Got drugged. Now wants to make his enemies cry.
HP: 5, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), sealant, horn, wolfsbane, spellbook containing the spell 'astral prison'

45. Bradstr, righteous fanatic-dwarf. Got used. Now wants to change a law.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), crossbow (d8, bulky), metal file (stacks), sponge, large trap, a purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage

46. Kerekes, courageous furrier. Got discredited. Now wants to run a circus.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
cudgel (d6), net (stacks), dice set (stacks), wolfsbane, a drinking cup that randomly fills with fresh or saltwater. refilling once emptied.

47. Constancia, serene carpenter. Got exiled. Now wants to spread heresy.
HP: 2, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), a shield (1), mace (d8), drill (manual), small bell, chain (10ft), manacles

48. Kessler, vengeful shoemaker-painter. Got humiliated. Now wants to eat a lot.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), a shield (1), dagger (d6), fishingrod, sponge, antitoxin, tool_trinket_gear

49. Margrid, vain smuggler. Got poor. Now wants to burn big buildings.
HP: 6, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), net (stacks), small bell, cart (+4 slots, bulky), copper coin with a smiling satyr's face on one side and a satyr's skull on the other

50. Odessa, stoic woodsman. Got teleported. Now wants to wear fancy shoes.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
mace (d8), shovel, twine (stacks), fire oil, a handheld device that solves any math problem you input using its buttons

51. Onyz, rude bounty hunter-serial killer. Got sold. Now wants to party.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), sling (d4), bow (d6), chisel, soap (stacks), manacles, bucket (stacks)

52. Dorcea, idealistic half-elf crossbowman-diplomat. Got almost killed. Now wants to hire bards.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), war hammer (d10, bulky), sealant, lens, grappling hook, saw

53. Coretta, gregarious foreigner ostiary. Got tortured. Now wants to befriend attractive performer.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), chisel, face paint, pulley, spellbook containing the spell 'mirrorwalk'

54. Nason, humble stripper. Got possessed. Now wants to plant a garden.
HP: 6, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), sword (d8), caltrops, quill & ink, grappling hook, spellbook containing the spell 'body swap'

55. Hughay, whiny soldier. Got robbed. Now wants to create war machines.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), nails (stacks), bottle, pulley, fishingrod

56. Bernadina, honest occultist. Got replaced. Now wants to have transmutation abilities.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), saw, horn, spirit ward, spellbook containing the spell 'leap'

57. Dewey, rude jester. Got haunted. Now wants to collect tongues of demons.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), caltrops, incense (stacks), fire oil, a locket that's bigger on the outside than the inside

58. Neidhardt, bitter dog catcher. Got hired. Now wants to kill someone.
HP: 6, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), battleaxe (d10, bulky), crowbar, bottle, rope (25ft), a gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you

59. Garmaise, arrogant diplomat. Got kidnapped. Now wants money.
HP: 3, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
 a helmet (1), a shield (1), dagger (d6), bucket (stacks), whistle, antitoxin, a glass vial filled with nail clippings

60. Marts, serene glassblower. Got disregarded. Now wants to swim into the sea depths.
HP: 6, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
mace (d8), net (stacks), salt pack (stacks), manacles, spellbook containing the spell 'thicket'

61. Timotheus, courageous time traveller. Got mutated. Now wants immortality.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), nails (stacks), sponge, repellent, pallid leather gloves crafted with ivory fingernails

62. Drusi, gregarious clothier. Got humiliated. Now wants to become a werewolf.
HP: 6, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), cudgel (d6), chalk, perfume, manacles, a whistle made from gold-colored wood

63. Schlenger, honorable candlemaker. Got loved one killed. Now wants to save own father.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), crossbow (d8, bulky), net (stacks), perfume, wolfsbane, a quill that rotates through all the colors of the rainbow

64. Carmelo, loyal juggler. Got ignored for too long. Now wants luxury whores.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), longbow (d8, bulky), grease, lens, large trap, spellbook containing the spell 'arcane eye'

65. Pierpont, vengeful gardener. Got deformed. Now wants to save own father.
HP: 2, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
sling (d4), bow (d6), sealant, incense (stacks), rope (25ft), a metal spinning top that never tips over when spun

66. Hodgkinson, ambitious mercenary. Got polimorphed. Now wants to make magic usefull to society.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), a helmet (1), sling (d4), bow (d6), chalk, dice set (stacks), lockpicks, card deck (stacks)

67. Rubenstein, disciplined smuggler. Got sold. Now wants luxury armors.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), staff (d6), caltrops, sponge, pulley, spellbook containing the spell 'swarm'

68. Hamish, bitter charlatan. Got possessed. Now wants to create traps.
HP: 2, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), tongs, whistle, antitoxin, horn

69. Kirkwood, cowardly gravedigger. Got exiled. Now wants to kill own sibling.
HP: 3, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
plate (3, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), dagger (d6), glue (stacks), small bell, chain (10ft), lens

70. Horwath, generous gravedigger. Got drugged. Now wants to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy.
HP: 5, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), staff (d6), shovel, instrument, antitoxin, marbles (stacks)

71. Lardner, vengeful slave. Got used. Now wants to have weird tatoos.
HP: 6, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), staff (d6), sealant, whistle, grappling hook, tongs

72. Ranchod, lazy muck racker. Got pursued. Now wants to fuck a goatman.
HP: 2, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), staff (d6), sealant, perfume, large sack, a glass vial filled with nail clippings

73. Hewitt, gluttonous candlemaker-demon slayer. Got polimorphed. Now wants to kill whores.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), staff (d6), shovel, whistle, antitoxin, fishingrod

74. Sophy, cruel fake carnival freak. Got rejected. Now wants to fuck a goatman.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), metal file (stacks), whistle, air bladder, vial of viscous liquid labeled "fomorian spit. do not drink!"

75. Brandie, flippant hangman. Got robbed. Now wants to kill toxic men.
HP: 1, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), sword (d8), tongs, small bell, fire oil, a piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight

76. Markus, wasteful undaed witch hunter-necrophile. Got demoted. Now wants to be more generous.
HP: 6, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), cudgel (d6), grease, quill & ink, manacles, fake jewels (stacks)

77. Argent, gluttonous hired killer. Got suspected. Now wants to save own mother.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), fishingrod, marbles (stacks), large trap, a pint glass engraved with a picture of a keg robot

78. Annmarie, cowardly peddler. Got deformed. Now wants to mutate herself/himslef.
HP: 1, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), longbow (d8, bulky), hammer, horn, manacles, a scrimshaw carving of a sahuagin

79. Vris, loyal crossbowman. Got teleported. Now wants to burn a village.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
 a helmet (1), axe (d8), tongs, dice set (stacks), lockpicks, a pair of tinted spectacles that reduce the glare of the sun when worn

80. Domela, humble seaman. Got teleported. Now wants to prevent someone from dying.
HP: 1, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
 a shield (1), longbow (d8, bulky), drill (manual), mirror, dowsing rod, spellbook containing the spell 'ooze form'

81. Tristrem, gregarious muck racker. Got robbed. Now wants to have a magic weapon.
HP: 1, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), chisel, sponge, pole (10ft), a small cloth doll skewered with needles

82. Nelle, loyal trickster. Got born into slavery. Now wants to stop the war.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), staff (d6), glue (stacks), mirror, chain (10ft), tar pot

83. Germaine, ambitious ice wizard. Got mutilated. Now wants to understand.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
staff (d6), chisel, horn, pick, horn

84. Wardieu, cautious militiaman. Got crippled. Now wants to kill someone.
HP: 4, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), cook pots, card deck (stacks), spirit ward, opalescent conch shell that laughs when you hold it to your ear

85. Olivann, bitter cartographer. Got kidnapped. Now wants to find own sibling.
HP: 3, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
plate (3, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), nails (stacks), salt pack (stacks), spyglass, rope (25ft)

86. Athalee, gregarious leader of the gang. Got addicted. Now wants to be possessed.
HP: 6, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), sling (d4), bow (d6), grease, perfume, spyglass, a small packet filled with pink dust

87. Tarsus, lazy mystic. Got poisoned. Now wants to burn big buildings.
HP: 2, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
 a shield (1), dagger (d6), hammer, instrument, grappling hook, spellbook containing the spell 'visual illusion'

88. Vern, focused tracker. Got addicted. Now wants to destroy a particular object.
HP: 4, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
chainmail (2, bulky), a shield (1), dagger (d6), nails (stacks), mirror, large trap, a walking cane with an iron ferrule that strikes sparks on stone

89. Bellanca, idealistic monster hunter-dyer. Got abandoned. Now wants to rob someone.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), a shield (1), longbow (d8, bulky), grease, perfume, lockpicks, manacles

90. Poppo, stoic troll footpad-rogue. Got polimorphed. Now wants to be able to throw fireballs.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), cudgel (d6), tongs, marbles (stacks), pulley, spyglass

91. Wallinga, rude charlatan. Got disregarded. Now wants to get a divorce.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), axe (d8), chisel, tar pot, pulley, cook pots

92. Celine, focused pyromaniac. Got defrauded. Now wants to be more generous.
HP: 5, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
plate (3, bulky), staff (d6), hourglass, tar pot, pick, antitoxin

93. Alyworth, cautious poisoner. Got exiled. Now wants to collect heads of the beasts.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
mace (d8), crowbar, twine (stacks), fire oil, grease

94. Britte, nervous tavern wench. Got kidnapped. Now wants love.
HP: 2, S: 12, Dex: 8, Will: 10
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), dagger (d6), drill (manual), mirror, pulley, spirit ward

95. Gassman, cruel earth wizard. Got humiliated. Now wants to have an exotic pet.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
chainmail (2, bulky), a helmet (1), staff (d6), chisel, small bell, repellent, spellbook containing the spell 'time control'

96. Brett, irascible crossbowman. Got infected. Now wants to organize a successful festival.
HP: 5, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), dagger (d6), bellows, incense (stacks), dowsing rod, chisel

97. Merrile, serene architect. Got loved one killed. Now wants to sell weapons.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
chainmail (2, bulky), staff (d6), cook pots, marbles (stacks), manacles, pixie's winter jacket lined with fox fur

98. Canotas, ambitious kidnapper. Got betrayed. Now wants to save humanity from harm.
HP: 3, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
plate (3, bulky), a helmet (1), cudgel (d6), caltrops, marbles (stacks), cart (+4 slots, bulky), tool_trinket_gear

99. Silverstein, courageous forester. Got disillusioned. Now wants to eat the rich.
HP: 1, S: 8, Dex: 10, Will: 12
brigandine (1, bulky), a shield (1), longbow (d8, bulky), saw, soap (stacks), pole (10ft), spellbook containing the spell 'target lure'

100. Tada, focused child. Got sick. Now wants to convert someone.
HP: 5, S: 10, Dex: 12, Will: 8
brigandine (1, bulky), a helmet (1), dagger (d6), bellows, bottle, chain (10ft), a dirty figurine of a triceratops that can't be cleaned

3 komentarze:

  1. Trochę nie jestem fanem trinketów z D&D5 - są wg mnie zbyt absurdalne albo po prostu niewiele z nich wynika. Może pomogą odrobinę jako Inspiracja. Z drugiej strony nie mam gotowej alternatywy do zaproponowania.

    1. Tak, to prawda. Może przejrzę listę trinketów z 5e i usunę z niej te bardziej absurdalne, bezużyteczne. Znalazłem teraz to, lista zwyczajnych, średniowiecznych przedmiotów o mniejszej lub większej użyteczności

    2. Można też te trinkets potraktować jak zahaczkę dla MG. Jeśli graczowi wylosuje się np. " a piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight" to nic z tego nie wynika, tylko wtedy jeśli grający nic nie wymyślą. A może tak naprawdę to ważna część ciała księżycowej bestii, która emituje przywołujące światło, gdy bestia unosi się nad ziemią?
